Spiritual Director
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Below are a few websites that you may find helpful. They have spiritual exercises, prayers and edifying articles.
Ignatian Spirituality has a variety of helpful content
The Examen is a daily practice that can be profoundly helpful.
Spirituality Shoppe is a wonderful site with videos and classes and other very useful information.
Anam Cara has a variety of courses and events.
Sacred Space give you daily prayers
Here are just a few books on Spiritual Formation.
The Divine Conspiracy
Allure of Gentleness
The Great Omission
Life without Lack all by Dallas Willard
Abundant Simplicity by Jan Johnson
Freedom of Simplicity
Streams of Living Water
Life with God
Prayer all by Richard Foster
The Good and Beautiful God
The Good and Beautiful Life
The Good and Beautiful Community all by James Bryan Smith
Sacred Rhythms
Life of the Beloved
The Prodigal Son
Spiritual Formation all by Ruth Haley Barton
The Wounded Healer all by Henri Nouwen
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero
Life Without Lack by Dallas Willard
The Practice of the Presence of God By Brother Lawrence
The Gift of Being Yourself by David Benner
Ignatian Resources
Weeds Among the Wheat by Thomas Greene S.J.
The Discernment of Spirits by Timothy M Gallagher, OMV
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Trans. George E Ganss, SJ
Letting God Come Close by William A. Barry, SJ
The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything by James Martin, SJ
* Almost anything from most of these authors will be helpful
The following are some apps, music to meditate by and other bits and pieces.
You version bible
Insight Timer
Pray as you Go
Sacred Space